This type of campaigning against weapons manufacturers comes from people who have never felt personally threatened themselves, growing up in the relatively safe environment of the United States. What I find particularly galling, though, is the arrogant and self-righteous attempt to shut down the event rather than just state their perspective. If a person feels that they don't want to work for a certain company, that's fine. They also can state their views about that company or its activities. But to try to prevent others from getting jobs at that company via disruption and intimidation fails to respect that others have a different view.

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Today on Meet the Press, President Herzog asked a question that many kind souls who are opposed to weapon production and against military industrial complex prefer not to address: How would you feel if 100,000 of your neighbors (or even you yourself) were displaced (from northern Israel), and your country was under constant missile barrage? Somehow, this question never gets answered, does it challenge our sense of moral certainty? I also consider myself a pacifist—when others share my vision. I, too, would like to see the wolf lie down with the lamb.

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Totally agree with this. I personally don't invest in weapons companies, I can choose not to get on a Boeing plane, I wouldn't work for big tobacco etc. We each have the agency to choose what to do with our own lives. It becomes something different when a person or group prevents the agency of others. I also do wonder if the parents of these students, who are quite likely paying the bills, are doing so from their own investments in these companies.

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Do these kids have anything else to do? As someone who used to protest occoccasionally years ago. These kids are obsessed with Palestinian and seem to not know actual wtf is going on or historical facts. Like who pays your bills? Do u not have jobs.

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5 hrs agoLiked by Ilana M.

Once upon a time, lucky students went to university to learn, including how to do research and debate. Seems like a fairytale nowadays.

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I am fighting this battle until mid-December.

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It’s okay, they don’t deserve employment.

I’ve been involved in going to job fairs to recruit talent and interns for my employer, as well as filter applications, and I now give serious negative points to graduates of Ivies. Those entire schools are infested with dumb, malicious people, and I don’t trust the quality of their education or the ability of their students to think and reason.

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