I'll just say, whilst it is desirable for there to be peace in the area, until Islam changes to accept other religions and identities, nothing will change.

You can't make peace with people who want to kill you.

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If this has been going on for at least twenty years, don’t you think it’s time to get over the ungrateful Commies? This attachment of Jewish intellectuals to a movement which has proven lethal to Jews is absurd. The Commies evicted and stole the property of the Jews of Harbin, a city founded by Russian Jews. The Soviets seduced the Jews with promises of freedom from the pogroms of the tsars only to humiliate and murder Jews who helped the state. The Left wants power and deconstruction of alternate power structures in their way. They are as ruthless as any fascist regime. How about less revolution and more civil society? The attachment to people who hate you is suicidal.

Am Yisrael Chai.

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I wonder how many times we should be slapped into our faces before we say, "This time, I am not running away. I am going to stay and fight. I will loudly proclaim my Jewishness and my Zionism, both of which are inseparable from each other, and from my progressive value." I don't know though what exactly this progressive value means, Without specifics, it rings hollow to me.

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Soros is a mystery to me.

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Your pro Palestinian stance and your activism are of zero relevance. We must remember that as you stood in front of an open pit, about to be mowed down by Einsatzgruppen machine guns, no member of the death squad cared whether you were rich, poor, progressive, regressive, left wing, right wing, religious or an atheist, a resistor or even a supporter of the Nazis. They only saw one thing before them and one task. To kill the row of naked Jews and prepare to kill the next one.

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Who is “you”? The author of this piece?

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And also, the idea (most likely dead by now) of the two state solution was an idea(l) of coexistence not the rejection of Jewish sovereignty. It might have been naive to believe in it but it was the only hope (for many) to stop the violence. I am NOT an Israeli to argue for or against it but I understand this desire.

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Addressed to the author of "I Have Been Excommunicated"

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I’m truly shocked by the antisemitic experiences you describe and that you and your family went through. Your Uncle Jack’s story is especially poignant to me. I hope it could all go away by just hugging you now, but we both know reality doesn’t work that way. Your testimony is also very relevant because it shows again the nothingness of the Left. It’s also perhaps a call to evaluate the validity of some of our stances.

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This is experience of Philip Berger.

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I never thought the leopards would eat MY face! Exhibit no. 345,987.

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what does it mean? reference to?

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It’s a saying that people who vote for the leopard face eating party never think that the leopards will eat their faces. And so too the people who support the vicious far left never expect that they too will one day become the target for the other Robespierres.

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I see...we focus on equality and fairness that somehow exclude us.

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Jul 3Liked by Ilana Maymind

Not quite. The progressive left have are narcissistic cretins and if you want to play with them they will turn on you. Purity spirals all the way. (And those of us from the traditional left recognise this and stopped pretending these are people in the same side. They’re not. Looks like this guy failed to see what a monstrosity the new left was becoming

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We all know what happened to Jewish Nazi collaborators. Most of them were killed but some, like Soros, are still working hard to destroy the Western civilization.

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The author of this article is a collaborator. He collaborated all his life with so called progressive activists. Modern Canadian progressives have the same agenda as Nazis did in 1930-ies. Their aim is to destroy the only Jewish state that exists.

Palestinians were just Arabs, fedayans, before KGB collaborated with Arafat and the Western progressives to create a palestinian cause.

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I'm sorry that happened to you. But what a thought provoking well articulated piece.

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As I mentioned before, it happen to Philip.


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Sorry it happened to him then.

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