Jun 11Liked by Ilana Maymind

1) exit the UN

2) evict them from New York

3) convert the buildings to low income housing

4) declare all foreign UN employees and delegates persona non grata

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Jun 10Liked by Ilana Maymind

Don’t worry about it. If the IN doesn’t line it it must be good.

Eliminate Hamas and their Palestinian murderers

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Jun 10Liked by Ilana Maymind

Eliminate the UN as well.

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When people call a hostage rescue “genocidal intent turned into action” they are clearly lying. Especially in the case of Gaza, if Israel wanted to it could in fact cause the deaths of tens of thousands through bombings, blockades and so on. There is literally nothing Gazans and Hamass can do to stop that physically.

Calling a rescue like this where perhaps a hundred Gazans died, most of whom were Hamass affiliated like the Doctor and family holding the three men, a genocide would be risible except that apparently rational people seem to believe it.

What concerns me is that Israelis may decide that since anything they do is called genocide they might as well go for a real one. I would have a hard time blaming them but it would stain their souls and lower them to the level of the animals of Hamass

I am

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Everything you write is 100% correct; but she, along with her UN cronies couldn’t care in the least.

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Jun 11Liked by Ilana Maymind

The psychotic disconnect it takes to claim Israel is attempting genocide is astounding. Pointing out the cognitive dissonance required to make that assertion as if it were truthful and fact based is worth hammering home at every opportunity.

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Never mind that if Israel truly chose that course, Gaza would be silent now, and the IDF would have been home by New Years..

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choose what exactly?

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While in the Navy I had some brief exposure to the IDF while in Israel. Its been decades, and things can change- but the Israeli military I remember was very serious, well equipped, and well trained. So moralities aside, if Israel wanted to truly eliminate the Palestinians, itd be over already...

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These people live in another world entirely.

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If Hamas hadn’t opened fire on the rescuers there would have been no casualties

If Hamas hadn’t kidnapped the hostages there would have been no casualties

If Hamas hadn’t have invaded Israel on October 7 to rape, torture and kill there would have been no casualties

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Since Oct 7 and the downright giddy celebrations following it, I thought human depravity had reached its pinnacle. Then came the rape denials and justifications. Now comes the victim blaming. The world is upset when Jews survive. Our dehumanization has been made acceptable and trendy. Yup, the psychological Progrom continues. Not sure there’s a bottom to this.

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That is scary. I am trying to tell myself that darkness cannot last and it "exterminates" itself by its own venom. But every day more depravity is taking place and there is silence about it. Am I missing response from this government? Is everyone just too busy with the forthcoming election? Am I just too dense and missed something? Am I witnessing something that is not supposed to be witnessed?

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Jun 14Liked by Ilana Maymind

If I didn’t have clear headed people in forums like this, and a handful of friends (the ones who didn’t completely betray me), I probably would be susceptible to the gaslighting we are force fed daily. It sometimes feels like we’re in a parallel universe. What I do know is life will never be the same. And it’s at least comforting to know we are not completely alone: we have each other. We are Jews.

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I am having trouble with the concept of gaslighting- what exactly does it mean? Do you feel you would start believing their lies? (This word does not translate well for me).

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Yes, feeling like we are going crazy and doubting our reality.

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I am not susceptible to these doubts. it does not mean that I think my people are free of faults but I don't doubt my reality.

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Yes, feeling like we are going crazy and doubting our reality.

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No...theres been a response from our govt. But its a waffling, dont-offend-any-voters kind of response. We showed support for Israel, while at the same time constantly pushing them for a cease fire. Then we even went as far as sending the Army to build a pier in Gaza so that humanitarian aid could get in( think the people, or Hamas got those supplies?), which was a failure after a couple weeks, and is being abandoned....

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The UN? The same group that has Venezuela, Cuba and China on its Human Rights Panel? And takes every opportunity to dis the US? Dump them.

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On October 7, the Hamas terrorists were armed, the Israelis massacred were defenseless. The unanswered question is why did Israel disarm its citizens most of whom are IDF veterans and leave them vulnerable to mass rape and murder by Hamas? An incredibly stupid decision and the Israeli government is clearly culpable. Every Jewish family in Israel (and the US) should have a 9 mm handgun, an AR15 rifle and plenty of ammunition for both. Every adult and teenage member of the family should be proficient in their use. Have anti-gun Jewish politicians in both countries learned nothing from the Holocaust and the latest slaughter? Isn't it time for the Jewish people to tell them to go fuck themselves?

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A debatable suggestion but I will leave at that. In relation to the Holocaust it was argued on both sides of the equation.

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I spent some time briefly during my Navy days eons ago... And back then, everyone was armed. You immediately knew how threatened the Israelis felt, and how different of a world the Middle East is, when you see women in business suits and heels with a rifle slung over their shoulder...

Strange how somthing so ingrained has changed...

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Compared with the followers of the false prophet of Islam the IDF are saints - your Koran mandates the very violence you say you abhor - sad!

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I wonder if she is related to our PM Anthony Albanese, he goes out of his way not to criticise Hamas and keeps funding the UNHCR.

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On October 7, there were reports of Hamas terrorists wearing IDF uniforms to lure civilians to their deaths. Did I miss Albanese’ denunciation of this classical act of perfidy to go with the war crime of murdering civilians?

There is a difference under international law in which perfidy is used for the purpose of murdering innocents and a ruse of war used for the purpose of rescuing innocent victims of the war crime of hostage taking.

Sadly, understanding the difference is beyond Albanese intellectual capacity and moral vision.

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Jun 11·edited Jun 11Author

Or, we are changing definitions to define as we please. The whole propaganda war seems to be intentional in this respect. The longer they will be defining things the way they want people to see them, the more people start believing it. In case of Albanese, it is hard to say whether she lacks intelligence or simply allows her hate to inform her opinions.

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Oh please, these people are all Hamas !

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Defund the UN. It has more than run its course. If, thereafter, there is enough international will to coordinate a peacekeeping force to intervene intervene now and then in situations around the globe, then such force will be assembled.

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Is there any way you would allow us to copy your text to share with others outside of Substack? I found this particularly accurate and well written.

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